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How To Brighten Up Your Child’s Room

Brighten Children Room

As early as 5 months old, kids are able to see colors. However, they are not able to see all the colors. They can only see bright ones. At that early age, their vision has not fully developed and they can only see these types of colors at first and as time goes by, they will be able to perceive all other colors as well.

This is why child rooms are always brightly colored. To add on to this, the rooms are colored because if they can see the color well, they will be able to distinguish it from other aiding in learning colors as well. Children are attracted to the primary colors that are red, blue, yellow and green. Other colors that they are attracted to are pink, orange and purple.

Children are able to see bright colors. This means that there is an impact these colors have on them at that early age. That being said, there is something special about these types of colors and kids. They can impact the mood of children. For example, red spaces make a child actor because the color to them speaks energy. However too much red will make them hyperactive especially an already active child. A color like purple shows calmness where the child is often relaxed. Orange is one color people do not use as much but with the right shade, it can depict the mood of warmth.

Another common color in children’s rooms is yellow. Yellow is an energetic color that brightens the room and sends positive energy throughout the room and your child as well. Apart from mood-setting, children associate things with colors. Children use colors to distinguish things they see daily. For example, whenever they see a banana they know the color is yellow. Many parents take advantage of this and turn bonding time or eating into something educational.

Here are 10 tips you can use to brighten up your child’s room.

10 Tips To Brighten Up Your Child’s Room

  1. Let them choose their own color
    With your help of course. You can have a line up of your child’s favorite color in pictures and ask them to choose one from that. If they choose more than one you can use them all. Not in one place, but you can choose one for the walls another for the floors and others for wall paintings.
  2. Use lights
    Apart from colors, children are also attracted to bright lights. You can choose to hang lights on the walls or on the curtains of the room. Use fairy light to make the room bright at night so that they feel safe to be in the dark. Other parents choose lights that look like stars giving the impression that their children are outside. They are positioned on the ceiling so that the child sees them when they look up at night. You can also use an old fashioned nightstand if your child is comfortable with sleeping without much light.
  1. Let them get in on the decoration
    They can help you when you are decorating the room. Nothing will bring them more joy than knowing that they had a contribution to the room. They will show their friends what they did and they will be proud of themselves. You can give them a brush to paint a specific area. They can have their handprints on the wall. With your guidance, you can decorate the room with handprints with different colors and different sizes.
  1. Take advantage of education
    Your child is still learning so giving your room a touch of this is an added advantage. You can have a chalkboard in the room or the alphabet on the wall so that they can learn even when they are not trying to. You can also have paintings of fruits hang on the wall to jog their memory. Even when they have playdates over they can get in on the learning. The chalkboard can come in handy. One child can play the teacher while the others answer questions while scribbling on the chalkboard.
  1. Use paintings and pictures on the wall
    This helps with their creative side. You can add their own personal school assignments on the wall. You can as well have pictures of the whole family on the wall.
  1. Use stickers
    If the wall is plain, you can add stickers. Stickers can be of their favorite cartoon characters. To keep the learning spirit on, you can have stickers of fruits or numbers or even the alphabet.
  1. Do not forget the floors
    Most people are often concerned about the walls or the ceiling but the floor is equally important. Pick tiles that are easy to clean so that your kid’s room is always hygienic. Pick colorful rugs that are soft on the child’s feet.
  1. Use creative furniture
    The children’s furniture does not have to be boring. You can have a car-shaped bed if it is a boy or a princess bed if it is a girl. The bedding can be of their favorite cartoon characters as well. Their closet and reading tables should be colored as well to go with the room’s theme.
    If you want to buy Disney Cartoon Characters bed sheets, then is the one platform that suits your needs.
  1. Choose a room with ample sunshine
    When choosing a room, choose one with the most sunshine. The natural light helps to make the room more bright and makes it warm. The sunshine will make your child energetic throughout the day.
  1. Add toys
    There is nothing a child loves more than playing. When brightening up their room, add their toys in. Design an area where they can place their toys with ease and take them out just as easy.

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